Author | Inventor | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Angel Investor
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
what's new in Sola's world?
2023, we made it! 2022 was a trip and during my annual break, I rested and did nothing! Yep, and it was hard but necessary. I took the time to think about the next phase of my life and how I wanted to truly make an impact on this world.
It's official, one of our patents at HyGear Technologies got granted. It is truly amazing to be in the same space as others before me, especially women. The Life Sciences industry didn't see us coming, and that's the thing about being under-estimated. Now I will be transitioning from HyGear to Keeping It Clean Global Inc, a non-profit set on increasing access to sustainable technology to address and close the global hygiene gap.
At Rise Urban Nation, we published a 90-day journal and a coffee table book. We also launched our workshop to support social innovators and professionals in the social impact space.
More Media Tech my creative home for the past 7 years, has been acquired by Equilibrium Startup Labs in the USA. It was bittersweet however the best part of my entrepreneurial journey is letting go in order for a new phase to start. Equilibrium Startup Labs is developing SteppingStones, a web and mobile app to help founders find resources locally.
I am excited about what 2023 has to bring and I plan to command the year by retiring from my 22-year run as a serial entrepreneur to focus on social innovation and impact activities. You can catch me on Rise Urban Nation Podcast and as a speaker or guest lecturer in colleges to promote social entrepreneurship.
Here's to another marvelous year!
Hire me to speak
I had the pleasure of presenting my Self Awareness Emotional Intelligence theory to students at San Diego State University in 2020 and I can't get enough. I am looking for speaking opportunities and would be happy to create custom content for your audience.
motivating the next generation with black and African goals, dreams & success stories.
Rise Urban Nation aims to bring light to the hidden figures, heroes and heroines by sharing the journeys of the ordinary and extraordinary achievements of Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs. The goal of the podcast is to inspire and create the next generation of Black & African Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs.
Light's out on More media technology
My creative journey ends officially in the UK. Now focused on building software and tech support for small business support organizations and minority startups at Equilibrium Startup Labs CA.
#htmam pODCAST
Coming to America has been very exciting. Media is a BIG part of me and it is no surprise that I started a podcast to tie in everything. I wanted listeners to listen to it as they drove, exercised or during their quiet moments not being restricted by having to watch a screen. #HTMAM is a journey, a goal I set myself and after working with a life coach, I was able to set and take action on a clear path to making it a reality. Happy Listening!
from the ashes
Join me as I share my thoughts, musings, and ruminations. Don't forget to subscribe.
February 19, 2017 · Welcome,Love Life Growth,From the AshesNovember 13, 2017 · Parables and Pages,Reading is key,InspirationMay 24, 2017 · time,Procastination,Maximize your daybiabook
Learn, grow and achieve at your own pace! Business today requires that you share who you are with your audience. So YOU, YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR BRAND must be authentic. This is what Biabook will help you with.
All contents of this website are brands © Adesola Akindele 2023